Collection: Wissmach Stained Glass

The Paul Wissmach Glass Company was established in 1910. Many of the color batches used by Wissmach at the turn of the century are still used today, and new glasses are continually added. Recent additions to Wissmach include Wissmach 90, a fusible sheet glass in a variety of colors. Wissmach also produces 96 coe fusible glass sheets.

Wissmach produces a variety of colors and textures. Known particularly for their English Muffle, Mystic, and Wisspy lines (yes, wisspy, not wispy, as in wiSSmach wiSSpy.) They are also known for their dazzling opalescents, cathedrals and streakies.


We're sorry to say that we no longer make precut stained glass shapes in our store. When the packages listed below are sold out, they won't be restocked, and the listings will be removed.

I'm so sorry for any inconvenience!

It's been a fun outlet for me to create these for you for the past 10 years. And I will truly miss designing the packages!

As a result of this decision though, we'll be able to greatly improve our inventory of stained glass sheets and supplies, while maintaining the speed and quality of service that you deserve and expect from us.

Thank you,